Welcome to BACpypes3!

BACpypes3 is a library for building Python applications that communicate using the BACnet protocol. Installation is easy:

$ pip install bacpypes3

You will be installing the latest released version from PyPI. You can also check out the latest version from GitHub:

$ git clone https://github.com/JoelBender/BACpypes3.git
$ cd BACpypes3

And then use the pipenv utility to create a virtual environment, install all of the developer tools, then activate it:

$ pipenv install --dev
$ pipenv shell


If you would like to participate in development, please join the chat room on Gitter.

Getting Started

The bacpypes3 module can be run directly. It will create a small stack of communications objects that are bound together as a BACnet device and present a shell-like prompt:

$ python3 -m bacpypes3

The module has a variety options for configuring the small stack for different environments:

$ python3 -m bacpypes3 --help

And the shell has commands that are useful for examining the local BACnet internetwork, its topology, the connected devices, and their objects:

> help


Indices and tables